Eliminate your Credit Card Processing Fees by using our Cash Discount Program!

How much money do you throw away on credit card processing fees?


The Cash Discount Program is a way for you to offset your merchant service fees without increasing your sale price. It is a method of passing a service fee to all customers while giving a discount to those who pay with cash or check.


Business using our program will see an increase in profit as a result of saving from eliminating their processing bill. Savings can be used to cover minimum wage hikes, rent, Covid-19 related cost and other expenses.

Any business that accepts credit cards can benefit from our program. From auto repair shops and restaurants to retail establishments and professionals like doctors, lawyers, dentists, accountants, and e-commerce merchants. Flexible processing options with Countertop, Mobile terminals, online or POS.

Any business that accepts credit cards can benefit from our program. From auto repair shops and restaurants to retail establishments and professionals like doctors, lawyers, dentists, accountants, and e-commerce merchants. Flexible processing options with Countertop, Mobile terminals, online or POS. :

  • Free Credit Card Terminal
  • Fast and Simple, easy setup
  • No contract commitment
  • Eliminate monthly processor fees
  • A small service charge of 3.99% is applied to all sales when customers use credit cards
  • And a discount is automatically applied when customers pay with cash or check
  • Businesses do NOT need to change any prices – simply post signage that we provide

The Dodd-Frank Law, in the Durbin Amendment have given the power to merchants in all 50 states to implement Cash Discount programs, now accepted nationwide. “A payment card network shall not inhibit the ability of any person to provide a discount or in-kind incentive for payment by the use of cash.”

For More Information:
Payzone Systems
888 639.1088